Our story

The story of Renčel boutique wines

At the very south-western part of Slovenia, almost on the border with Italy, there’s a small karst village Dutovlje with a house that proudly carries the number 24. The house is surrounded by fertile, red karst soil, from which rich vineyards grow. There’s a family that has been living there for generations. A family with sincere love and devotion to these vineyards.

Our wines

Renčel wines, full of elegance and unique character

The winemaker's unique character captured in a bottle of big wine. 

Karst region

KRAS so special, so unique

Everything good that is reflected in a glass of wine first begins in the vineyard. This, however, is left in the careful hands of the winemaker. 


The latest about us



Read about our latest achievements.

22° Assaggio Divino - Trieste

22° ASSAGGIO DIVINO – TRST Datum: Nedelja, 12. februar 2023Urnik:  14.30 – 20.00Kraj:  Savoia Excelsior Palace Trst Facebook dogodek: https://www.facebook.com/slowfoodtrieste Vabljeni

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˝At Joško Renčel˝

˝ A wine tasting prepared by Joško Renčel is something you will never forget for the rest of your life. With the vertical of their wines".

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